
Welcome to Yearning, which started out as a very serious newsletter on belonging, culture and connection and has descended into me working out how I can hold space for both the sensitive soul and sardonic rat as I navigate my twenties in London.

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subscribing really helps to get the word out about what I’m doing and each piece of writing lands straight to your inbox.

about me

I’m a writer who is increasingly fascinated by ‘life writing’ and the writerly process itself. While I’m writing on writing I’m often also writing about the seemingly insignificant parts of our daily lives, culture, art, connection, belonging and community.

I’m currently doing an MA in Creative Writing, specialising in experimental writing. I’m also the co-founder of MEDUSA, a feminist arts platform. In past lives I have looked after marketing for art galleries and social impact organisations but chucked it in for writerly dreams.

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Watch as I attempt to be both sensitive soul and sardonic rat.


half sensitive soul half sardonic rat